and attention to detail iscarried through from production to shipping.

and attention to detail iscarried through from production to shipping.

About us
We are experts &
specialists for
Kemit Group company is one of the topest pioneers in oil industry and lubrication material in Germany.
It’s considered as the brilliant company in this field
Choosing the best material of oil industry and the best quality of additives of oil performance improvment are our advantages
Allways , we seek to produce the modern german technology in oil industry carefully ,in considration oil variation , and develop our products by our Technology researches center .
Kemit Grroup ‘s products considered as the best German products in International market.

Awards Winner
Satisfied Clients
Raising star
team member
Awards Winner
Money Source
tribu-fluid GmbH Am langen 5. D-41516 Grevenbroich ( Germany).
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